This one's for Mom. I didn't know whether I should e-mail or blog, but I want to let the world know how awesome she is. So here goes.
I know I'm far away, and physical presents are hard (because I don't plan ahead and have them shipped from online shopping). But presents don't have to be physical.
Mom, you've been invaluable support while I'm over here. When I'm feeling bad, I crave a talk with you because then I feel like I have a connection with home. And you usually get Grandma's "feeling" when I need to talk to you!
When you came over and met my host family, I realized where my skill for listening and intuiting came from. (It's the same place my short temper did. : ) ) You taught me to listen and act not only according to the words people use, but according to what they are trying to say. Every time I introduced you and Dad to someone here, I saw you do just that. Half the time, I didn't have to translate, even though you had no idea what Shorena was saying. "Mother's intuition."
The other day, my friend Ana told me that she's happy that I happened upon the village and became her coworker; for all the random computer things I've been able to teach her, she said the important thing she's learned from me was to listen.
That skill, in short, is how I've accomplished whatever I have here. Many people just want someone to listen to them in a world where they can only find someone to hear them speak, if they're lucky.
Sometimes I wish I had the ability to listen to myself. But beggars can't be choosers. At least I have you!
Happy birthday, Mom. I wish you many more years of health, family, love, and life. From, your little one.
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